Copernicus ENhanced Tools for Anticipative response to climate change in the emergency and secURity domain

CENTAUR concept

The overall objective of CENTAUR is to improve Europe’s resilience to climate change. More specifically, it aims to respond to the societal challenges deriving from climate change threats by developing and demonstrating new service components for the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) and the Copernicus Security Service –  Support to EU External and Security Actions (CSS-SESA).

Application domains

Flood-related threats to population, assets and infrastructures in urban areas.

Water and food insecurity as precursors of political instability, conflict and forced displacement.

Continuous monitoring at multi-national level

Information is generated on a large scale and over vast areas, to provide broad-scale observatories of phenomena that can turn on red lights corresponding to significant changes in normal indicator patterns.

Event driven at regional level

As alerts are issued, CENTAUR will switch to an event-driven approach, in which indices will be updated, benefiting from actual measurements of key parameters and newly acquired data and information at higher resolutions.


27 June 2024 / News

CENTAUR’s Interim Review Meeting: Achievements and Future Directions 

On 26 June, our team gathered for an online Interim Review Meeting, marking 18 months...
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22 May 2024 / Events

European Civil Protection Forum 2024 – 4-5 June

We are excited to announce that we will attend the European Civil Protection Forum 2024,...
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22 May 2024 / Events

XX Congress of the Spanish Association of Remote Sensing – 4-7 June

We are pleased to announce that we will be presenting at the XX Congress of...
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