CENTAUR’s Interim Review Meeting: Achievements and Future Directions 

On 26 June, our team gathered for an online Interim Review Meeting, marking 18 months of the CENTAUR project. 

During this period, our project team has undertaken several activities to advance the project’s objectives. These efforts have resulted in significant achievements and laid the foundations for further development. 

The meeting provided an opportunity to present our progress to our Project Officer and two external reviewers from the National Technical University of Athens and the Integrated Resources Management (IRM) Company. Overall, the feedback was positive and confirmed that the project has made excellent progress. 

Key achievements include: 

  • Prototype Release: Successfully launched the first version of our prototype. 
  • Conceptual Model: Defined an overall conceptual model covering Urban Flood and Water & Food Insecurity domains 
  • Cross-cutting Analysis: Identified crisis indexes and conducted gap analyses. 
  • Use Case Development: Identified and defined use cases, including 5 for Urban Flood, 3 for Water & Food Insecurity, and 1 cross-cutting case. 
  • Innovative Indicators: Designed innovative indicators, nearing finalisation with 7 for Urban Flood, 20 socio-economic indicators, and 6 for Water & Food Security. 
  • Key Exploitable Results (KERs): Identified the first 3 KERs and drafted an exploitation roadmap for market introduction. 

Presentation slides from the Interim Report Meeting on 26 June 2024 

Since the Interim Review Meeting in December 2023, the project team has also submitted various deliverables including the urban flood and water & food insecurity pipelines, the multi-criteria indexes design, and the Platform Design Document v2 to name a few. 

These achievements represent significant progress towards our project goals. 

The feedback received during the meeting confirmed that the project is on track for the next phase. It also highlighted areas where further refinement and focus is needed to move to the next steps. 

Looking ahead, our activities will continue to advance the project’s objectives, contributing to sustainable solutions within our focus areas: urban floods and water and food insecurity. 

We extend our thanks to all participants for their valuable contributions to the meeting. 

You can stay updated regarding CENTAUR’s developments by following us on X, LinkedIn, and by subscribing to our Project Updates

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