CENTAUR Project Update Deliverable #2: Dissemination & Exploitation Plan

We recently submitted the Dissemination and Exploitation Plan, including communication activities.

This deliverable, under Work Package 5, outlines preliminary exploitation activities during and after the project.  

In particular, it focuses on the identification of Key Exploitable Project Results (KERs) drawn from the analysis of project results. To improve our results exploitation capacity, we’ve enlisted the services of the European Commission’s Horizon Results Booster (HRB). This involves a comprehensive review and revision of exploitable results, the application of techniques to identify relevant stakeholders and the provision of support for risk analysis related to the exploitation of results. 

The HRB Exploitation Strategy Seminar (ESS) identified two initial KERs, which are currently being developed and analysed in collaboration with HRB service experts and consortium members. The document incorporates valuable feedback and conclusions from this process. 

Our plan includes two future versions of this deliverable: an interim update of the initial KERs and a final version with recommended market strategies for successful commercialisation. 

Find all CENTAUR deliverables here

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