CENTAUR Project Deliverable Update #4: Submission of Five Key Deliverables

In our latest project update, we are proud to present the submission of five major deliverables which mark key steps in the development of the CENTAUR project. 

  1. Catalogue of CENTAUR Data and Related Specifications 
  1. Urban Flood and Water & Food Insecurity Design 
  1. Platform Design and Development 
  1. Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Management Plan 
  1. Progress Report 1 

Catalogue of CENTAUR Data and Related Specifications 

This deliverable, developed within the activities of the Work Package 2 (Thematic Product Engineering) has as its primary objective the establishment of an efficient workflow for collecting data, essential for the development of risk indicators. It will also serve as a reference for their design and implementation. 

The document lists the types of data to be stored in the CENTAUR platform Data Catalogue. In particular, the catalogue will contain two main types of datasets: input and output datasets.  

The input datasets refer to the geospatial, open source and meteorological domains, while the output datasets include urban flooding indicators, political and socio-economic indicators, and water and food security indicators, which will serve as the risk indicators. 

These will be accessible to end users through the catalogue functionalities, including search, list functions and map overlays. In addition, users will be able to subscribe to alerts for timely updates on these indicators. 

The Data Catalogue is the foundation of the CENTAUR platform, serving as the main entry point for end-users to access the information generated by the system. It will also lay the groundwork for Work Package 3 (Service Deployment), which aims to provide a platform for the visualisation and analysis of data and indicators. 

Urban Flood and Water & Food Insecurity Design 

Also part of Work Package 2, this deliverable focuses on the technical specificities of indicator development. It outlines the processing flows and the design of innovative indicators within the thematic areas. 

In the coming months, we will focus on the design and implementation of service pipelines for the generation of complex indicators. 

Platform Design and Development 

Submitted under Work Package 3 (Service Deployment), this deliverable covers the theoretical background related to service design and implementation. 

As the first of two documents, it provides a preliminary view of the future CENTAUR platform, covering various aspects such as architectural principles, types of users accessing the service, and a preliminary list of technologies. 

This document provides a proposed roadmap which will serve as a basis for subsequent deliverables aimed at consolidating the design and delivering the prototype version of the platform, facilitating the integration of the work package services. 

Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Management Plan 

This deliverable, which falls under Work Package 7 (Project Management), aims at strategically guiding the project activities and translating the initial product concept into a fully developed and innovative product.  

It takes into account market and user needs, aligns with the evolution of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service and the Copernicus Security Service – Support to EU External and Security Actions, and adapts to evolving technologies and market opportunities. 

Intertwined with IPR and exploitation management, it facilitates the implementation of innovation and ensures a secure expansion beyond the project domain. 

Progress Report 1 

The final deliverable included in this update is under Work Package 7 (Project Management) and summarises the activities and results of the first nine months of activities of the CENTAUR project. 

This report, which clearly shows that the project is on track, provides an insight into the current status, ongoing activities and next steps within each work package, as well as highlighting the results achieved. 

All in all, these deliverables underline the progress made by the CENTAUR team and position the project for continued success. 

Find all CENTAUR deliverables here